Nevaeh Abrams-Hardy

is 12 years old and attends the 7th grade at Southern Delaware School of the Arts where she enjoys art and theatre.
Nevaeh is the youngest of 5 children and was born in Moreno Valley, California. Nevaeh enjoys spending time with
her family, traveling and taking care of her snake Gummy, dog Leo and her bearded dragon, Gizmo. Drawing is a
passion of Nevaeh's and she loves drawing anime. Hamilton is Nevaeh’s favorite musical and she hopes to see it om
Broadway one day. Nevaeh looks forward to being on stage again after appearing in THE LITTLE MERMAID
and has enjoyed being a part of Clear Space. Thank you for the experience!

Shows Nevaeh Abrams-Hardy Appears In

Children's Ensemble

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20 Baltimore Ave. Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971


Delaware Division of the Arts

This organization is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.

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